KBR verdict: Judge affirms $81 million of damages awarded to 12 Oregon soldiers for toxic exposure in Iraq
By Joany Carlin, The Oregonian
on April 26, 2013 at 7:47 PM, updated April 26, 2013 at 8:51 PM
A federal judge in Portland Friday affirmed $75 million in punitive damages a jury awarded to 12 Oregon National Guard veterans last fall in a case against government contractor KBR, Inc. for its conduct in Iraq a decade ago.
Magistrate Judge Paul Papak trimmed compensatory damages for each soldier from $850,000 to $500,000 because he determined Oregon law required the reduction. Total compensatory damages now stand at $6 million, setting the total award at $81 million.
“Judge Papak conducted a detailed, independent review that fully confirmed that the jury rendered a just and fair verdict,” said David Sugerman, the Portland lawyer who represents the soldiers along with Mike Doyle, of Houston.
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