Dr. Herman Gibb: Soldiers’ Symptoms are Consistent with Sodium Dichromate

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[audio:https://kbrlitigation.com/audio/OPB_ThinkOutLoud_0715.mp3|autostart=yes] Larry Roberta is one of 21 Oregon Army National Guard soldiers who have filed a lawsuit against the military contractor Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR). The lawsuit concerns the soldiers' exposure in Iraq to hexavalent chromium, a chemical referred to by some as "Iraq's Agent Orange". The veterans claim it has caused them numerous […]
[audio:https://kbrlitigation.com/audio/OPB_News_0413hexgoesfwd.mp3|autostart=yes] A federal magistrate in Portland has granted a procedural win for some Oregon soldiers. The Guardsmen are trying to sue a major military contractor for their exposure to carcinogenic material in Iraq. Judge Paul Papak says the group of 21 soldiers may continue their suit against Kellogg, Brown, and Root. The men were guarding […]
Iraq veteran blames KBR for his suffering on chemical exposure By Keri Brown of West Virginia Public Broadcasting [audio:https://kbrlitigation.com/audio/0709Guardlawsuit.mp3] July 10, 2009 · Seven National Guard veterans in West Virginia are among 50 nationwide who say they are experiencing severe health problems after being exposed to a toxic chemical in Iraq. The veterans are suing civilian contractor KBR […]
America’s Premier Lawyers Series: ABC Radio – An Interview with Jeff Raizner on KBR Litgation Jeff Raizner, of Doyler Raizner LLP was recently a guest speaker on ABC RADIO, along with Alan E. Tannebaum. You can “LISTEN IN” to the interview by following this link to their website: “Americas Premier Lawyer Series – Top Verdicts” Jeffrey L. […]
Sixteen Indiana National Guard soldiers have sued the Houston-based defense Contractor KBR over Chemical Exposure in Iraq.