News on KBR Chemical Exposure Litigation

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KBR verdict: Judge affirms $81 million of damages awarded to 12 Oregon soldiers for toxic exposure in Iraq

By Joany Carlin, The Oregonian on April 26, 2013 at 7:47 PM, updated April 26, 2013 at 8:51 PM A federal judge in Portland Friday affirmed $75 million in punitive damages a jury awarded to 12 Oregon National Guard veterans last fall in a case against government contractor KBR, Inc. for its conduct in Iraq a decade ago. […]

April 29th, 2013 | Posted in Burn Pit Blog,Burn Pits News,KBR Lawsuits,News Coverage,Oregon,Oregon Court Filings,Oregon Federal Court,Oregon Live,Oregon Rulings,Qarmat Ali Blog,Qarmat Ali Case Update,Qarmat Ali News | Read More »

Army secretary who signed KBR indemnification had clashed with Rumsfeld

By Mike Francis, The Oregonian on January 24, 2013 at 8:49 AM, updated January 24, 2013 at 8:59 AM The former secretary also was a big shareholder in Enron, but had to sell his shares when taking his job. Those sales came under suspicion when the company foundered, but he was not charged with any misdeed. However, […]

January 29th, 2013 | Posted in Governmental Affairs,KBR Lawsuits,Oregon Live,Qarmat Ali Blog,Qarmat Ali Case Update,Qarmat Ali News | Read More »

Blumenauer Statement on KBR Ruling

Friday, 02 November 2012 19:01 PORTLAND –Rep. Earl Blumenauer released the following statement regarding the verdict in the case of Oregon National Guard soldiers and KBR, Inc: Today’s verdict in the defense contractor KBR trial, brought by a dozen Oregon Army National Guard soldiers, is an important milestone.  I’ve met with these brave soldiers and […]

January 2nd, 2013 | Posted in KBR Lawsuits,Oregon Rulings,Qarmat Ali Blog,Sodium Dichromate & Hexavalent Chromium | Read More »

Truthout: KBR Under Pressure From Congress Over Allegations of Poisoning Soldiers

If a Congressman from Oregon has his way, then American taxpayers would not be expected to foot the legal bills for private military contractors like the former Halliburton subsidiary that allegedly allowed dozens of National Guard troops to be poisoned by a dangerous chemical in Iraq. Legislation introduced to Congress by Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon) […]

September 29th, 2010 | Posted in Burn Pits News,Proposed Legislation,Qarmat Ali News,Truthout | Read More »

Huffington Post – Strike Two on ‘Just Following Orders’ Defense

To paraphrase Yogi Berra, it’s déjà vu all over again for KBR. In my Aug. 31 post I wrote about a significant pro-veteran ruling in the Oregon KBR Qarmat Ali litigation. This is the case where Oregon National Guard troops allege KBR’s liability for negligence and for fraud arising out of plaintiffs’ exposure to sodium […]

September 29th, 2010 | Posted in Huffington Post,National Media,Qarmat Ali News | Read More »

British Media – Sunday Express: British Servicemen to Sue American Engineering Firm

BRITISH servicemen are suing an American engineering firm for allegedly exposing them to cancer-causing toxins while they guarded a water plant in Iraq. Despite warnings that a spate of nosebleeds among guards was caused by hexavalent chromium, engineering firm Kellogg Brown and Root (KBR) allegedly covered up the “extreme ­danger”. The firm blamed the conditions […]

June 21st, 2010 | Posted in International News,Qarmat Ali News | Read More »

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  • Reggie Faas: Rattling nice style and design and fantastic content material , nothing else we require : D.
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